Sports / Performing Arts / Chronic Repetitive

Many activities cause problems, such as :
- Work tasks at a factory assembly line,
- Laboratory work involving looking down,
- Inspections or detailed tasks requiring eye focusing, squinting, bending, twisting, stepping up/down, climbing and bending motions.
- Problems worsen with pounding or drilling during construction,
- Working in cold or hot temperatures,
- Repeated lift and carry.
- Long distance driving or prolonged sitting places much pressure on the lower spine.
Sports have similar effects on the body in regards to having repetitive injuries:
- BASEBALL pitchers have severe problems with shoulder instability, subluxation, dislocation, or just chronic pain and joint inflamation or muscle strain
- GOLFERS can hurt their back or shoulders and neck.
- FOOTBALL players, of course, have the worse of injuries and chronic pain, as well as high risks for head, neck and back spinal trauma
- HORSEBACK riders would have problems with the back, hips, knees
- RUNNERS including SOCCER have problems with hips, back, knees, ankles, including plantar fascitis, shin splints
- SWIMMERS tend to have problems in the arms and scapula (shoulder blades), and their spinal instability or muscle weakness
- TENNIS players tend to have pain in the elbows and wrists
Performing artists such as dancers, instrumentalists, backstage guides often have pain associated with their performance demands.
DANCERS, especially ballerinas incur pain and chronic deformities in their spine, knees, feet, toes STRINGS players have problems with fingers and hand tightness, contractures, abnormal hand mechanism, as well as head, neck, shoulder strains WOODWIND players have problems with mouth, jaw, headaches, neck aches, as well as fingering problems and shoulder strain PERCUSSIONISTS sustain repetitive pain in hands, wrists, fingers, elbows, shoulders, as well as hearing loss MARCHING BAND of course sustain problems from a combination of walking, bending, twisting, dancing, bouncing, while carrying and playing an instrument ACROBATS sustain all sorts of stresses, including joint instability (from being able to move TOO much!)
The entire body can take some stress, but specific body parts can bear the brunt.
Problems areas are the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, or neck, back. The hips, knees, ankles, feet can also take severe repetitive motions stress.
Abnormal body mechanics Abnormal posture Joint misalignments Joint instability Muscle spasms Nerve compressions Overuse syndromes Over compensations Trigger points Existing conditions such as extra long toes, "double joints", scoliosis, kyphosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, can cause worsening or predispose one to injury.
Many diagnoses can be treated, we cannot list all, but some are below:
Adhesive capsulitis Bursitis Bunions Carpal tunnel syndrome Cervical disc protrusion Degenerative joint disease Headaches, trigger point headaches, stress induced migraines Low back pain Lumbar disc herniation Plantar fasciitis Shoulder bursitis, shoulder impingement Sciatica Shin splints Tennis elbow Tarsal tunnel syndrome Thoracic outlet syndrome.
The earlier you start a treatment program, the better you learn to take care of yourself, and the higher chance that you'll have to prevent or recover from injury.
Many of us put off problems because we are so busy in our lives. With our therapy staff, you not only get the right treatment, you also learn the causes of problems so that you can better take care of yourself.
The longer you wait, the more complex and worse the problems.